Brand Refresh or Brand Overhaul? Evolution or Revolution?

Over the years I’ve had many companies approach our agency unsure on whether they need a complete brand overhaul or just an update to keep their brand looking contemporary and relevant. Often these companies started as small sole traders or small family businesses, they’ve never had their logo or brand […]

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Our Global Design Community – from Sydney around the world to Italy

One of the benefits of living in a global community is the inspiration and learning that comes from being able to access some of the best design talent and creativity from almost anywhere in the world. Trawling the web I can find myself in NYC viewing the latest up and […]

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Why it Pays to Invest in Your Brand

David Ogilvy famously once said “Pay people peanuts and you get monkeys.” For those of you who don’t know, Ogilvy is known somewhat as the “Father of Advertising” a wizard when it came to understanding the dynamics of using emotion to create brand loyalty. He understood the truth that customers […]

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Why Brand Consistency is Critical

Brand consistency is one of those things designers, marketing and strategists are always banging on about… any business owner who knows their stuff also understand its value and importance. Whether you are starting from scratch and designing a logo, or using your brand guidelines to create an annual report, consistency […]

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Second Screen Social Selling

Second screen social selling is on the rise and brands need to take note. “Increasing your user’s time with your Brand is today’s marketing challenge. You can’t reach them on network television, but you can float alongside as they stream through the friendly waters of Instagram, tweets, selfies, Snapchat, Facebook […]

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Why Not-for-Profits need to stop cutting their marketing budget when times are tough

When the budget of a not-for-profit is under scrutiny (which it almost always is) and tough times are calling for a reallocation of finances, the marketing budget is almost always the first thing to go, which in the words of Vivian Ward aka Julia Roberts is a big mistake…big……HUGE. The […]

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