Second Screen Social Selling

Second screen social selling is on the rise and brands need to take note. “Increasing your user’s time with your Brand is today’s marketing challenge. You can’t reach them on network television, but you can float alongside as they stream through the friendly waters of Instagram, tweets, selfies, Snapchat, Facebook […]

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Why Not-for-Profits need to stop cutting their marketing budget when times are tough

When the budget of a not-for-profit is under scrutiny (which it almost always is) and tough times are calling for a reallocation of finances, the marketing budget is almost always the first thing to go, which in the words of Vivian Ward aka Julia Roberts is a big mistake…big……HUGE. The […]

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Using Social Media to Build Authenticity in Your Brand

Social media is a powerful tool that can make or break a brand. Instagram stories, YouTube videos and Facebook have taken brand connection to the next level, allowing consumers to feel a part of the pages they follow, if they like you, they often want to show it by supporting […]

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Investing in Design Makes Good Cents!

Most businesses understand that good design is much more than just aesthetics and that a real advantage can be gained if they invest in smart strategic thinking when it comes to their brand and communications. It’s well known that in today’s competitive marketplace a great product or service isn’t necessarily […]

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Build Your Brand with Personality!

Does your brand have personality? Brand character is incredibly useful when wanting to develop a brand that has meaning. Like a person, every brand has a personality, whether they are big or small. Some are very boring and lack emotion, but the best brands evoke something in society that stays […]

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The Value in Nonfinancial Reporting

“After several years of growing evidence of the impact of commerce on climate change, scandals tied to poor corporate governance and a new appreciation for the social impact of business, institutional investors are increasingly likely to use nonfinancial performance information as an essential component in investment decision-making.” – The Global […]

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Don’t Waste Your Marketing Budget! Keep Parents Informed – The Value of Consistency Across Digital and Print.

The importance of customer experience is becoming the cornerstone of any successful brand and when it comes to schools, this scenario is no different. In an age of empowered and increasingly educated parents, the need is more important than ever before for comprehensive strategies to understanding, engaging and supporting parents […]

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