The Hottest Colour in Graphic Design for 2022

And the winner is…

For this blog I’d like to announce Pantone’s colour of the year (yes I know its already November of 2022, but this year has flown by so quickly I’ve only just caught my breath). Introducing PANTONE 17-3938, otherwise known as Very Peri!

If you have been seeing this cool purple tone splashed across outdoor advertising, or used in bold blocks on the latest Annual Report or Company Brochure you have been reading, now you know why. It’s been described as a colour whose quote/unquote Courageous Presence Encourages Personal Inventiveness and Creativity. Just what the doctored ordered after 2 years of forced isolations and a need to pivot, be creative a rewrite our future in a world that has shape shifted in amazing ways.

Thoughts? Compared to last year’s colour which I wasn’t overly thrilled with but was very useful as a colour used in breakout copy in our reporting documents, Very Peri hits the spot, and is much more engaging and dynamic!

To read more about this colour and the philosophy behind its creation you can read more here Colour is a powerful tool in graphic design, it can subtly influence emotion in conscious and subconscious ways. As emotion is the driving force behind most of our decisions it makes good sense as a graphic designer to consider the use of colour in a strategic way. Certain colours reflect the zeitgeist of the time, 2021 and the year of restrictions and isolation seems to be summed up perfectly with that year’s colour – Ultimate GREY! If you are able to tap into that Zeitgeist as a graphic designer your communication material will be all the more effective and you will be able to reach a whole lot more people with your design messaging; be it a website, brochure, social media or advertising design (see below for our timeline of the hottest colours for the last few years). If you are a graphic designer and you are not well acquainted with the latest Pantone swatch then I recommend visiting their site After all there are only 2 more months left until the unveiling of 2023 hottest colour of the year! Stay tuned!