Why Focus on Strong Branding for Healthcare?

Marketing and healthcare are not two words usually put together and as such brand strategy is often considered unnecessary and therefore pushed aside in this industry. Often it’s believed healthcare shouldn’t be a for profit organisation and as such shouldn’t be linked to marketing initiatives, it’s been considered too sensitive […]

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Investing in Design Makes Good Cents!

Most businesses understand that good design is much more than just aesthetics and that a real advantage can be gained if they invest in smart strategic thinking when it comes to their brand and communications. It’s well known that in today’s competitive marketplace a great product or service isn’t necessarily […]

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Branding is More Than Just a Logo

When your prospective customers and clients hear your name, and the name of your products and services, what image and thoughts come to their minds? Are you making a good impression, and is it the impression that you want?  Do you have a real brand?  What are you and your […]

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Build Your Brand with Personality!

Does your brand have personality? Brand character is incredibly useful when wanting to develop a brand that has meaning. Like a person, every brand has a personality, whether they are big or small. Some are very boring and lack emotion, but the best brands evoke something in society that stays […]

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The Value of SEO and AdWords

Over the past few weeks, we have seen many changes across almost every industry we can think of. The way we work has changed. Some industries such as restaurants had to completely reinvent their business model, and everyone has realised that the digital world is not an option anymore. If […]

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