GPT Group

Fresco has worked closely with the Health and Safety team at GPT Group and Risk Factors (their independent safety contractor) to produce a visual system to improve adherance to their Health and Safety Strategy, not just by their employees but also all contractors they engage.

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Australian Impact Investments – Branding

Fresco Creative was tasked to manage the creative and graphic design for Australian Impact Investments’ latest Impact Report. This informative  report needed to be AII branded but also adhere to the UN’s guidelines for the Global Goals for Sustainable Development logos and icons.

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Cancer Council

Working with well established guidelines, Fresco was tasked to come up with clean and easy to use reports aimed to improve radiotherapy in NSW.

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Independent Transport Safety Regulator

The Independent Transport Safety Regulator is a independent statutory authority of the NSW Government. ITSR challenged Fresco to produce a report that was firstly informative and easy to navigate but which also had an underlying edge and sophistication.

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WWF Australia

Fresco Creative has been working with WWF Australia since 2004 when we involved in the development of the WWF Australia Style Guide and their Annual Reports. Recently, we designed the final 205 page report summarising a 4 year research project entitled “Rivers to Reef to Turtles”.

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STATS is a world leading sports data and technology company. After a season of collecting data on every conceivable statistic one can think of, the STATS team of analysts approached Fresco Creative to design and publish all of the collected data for the 2018 NRL Rugby League competition.

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The Copyright Agency

The Copyright Agency approached Fresco to design an A3 poster insert for the centrefold of their magazine, outlining the cycle of copyright. Infographics were used to express the complex cycle of copyright and statutory licences, in a simple and friendly way.

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Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation – Print

The Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation (POWHF) is a not-for-profit organisation that fundraises to support the work of The Prince of Wales Hospital. They were referred to us after another successful not-for-profit project. The first step was to reshape the logo and choose a new font to set the brand on a new path.

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Colliers International approached Fresco Creative to bring the results of their ACT Light Rail Survey to life. The 10 question survey of commercial and private land owners positioned along the new proposed light rail route needed to be communicated in a clear and easily digestible format.

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UNSW Sydney

Fresco has assisted UNSW with a wide variety of design projects for multiple departments such as UNSW Institute of Languages publications, student yearbooks, Open Day signage, UNSW Aviation publications and special event collateral for occasions such as the retirement of the Vice-Chancellor Fred Hilmer.

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