Nourishing Bubs

Nourishing Bubs came to Fresco Creative with an idea for a revolutionary new baby food company and needed a logo and basic Style Sheet to get started. We worked closely with the client to create this fun logo design that was destined to appear on signage, packaging, point of sale collateral and at trade shows around Australia. 

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Oakhill College

Fresco Creative was approached by the prestigious Oakhill College for graphic design assistance with their 194 page school Yearbook. We helped the school organise their content while we developed concepts based on their new brand guidelines. Once settled on a look for the publication we processed and colour corrected all their imagery and arranged the content in clearly colour-coded sections.

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Australian Impact Investments – Branding

Fresco Creative was tasked to manage the creative and graphic design for Australian Impact Investments’ latest Impact Report. This informative  report needed to be AII branded but also adhere to the UN’s guidelines for the Global Goals for Sustainable Development logos and icons.

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St Pius X College – Yearbook

We have worked with St Pius X College since 2010. We set up a Yearbook design template for their in-house desktop publisher to populate for future editions. We have maintained a top-level oversight over the project and continue to assist the school each year with design advice, colour management, prepress, […]

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Masada – Yearbook

Fresco Creative has designed the Yearbook for Masada for over 5 years. We help the school put together a flat plan for their 160 page publication and then file, organise, colour-correct and place all their images into colour-coded sections along with their written reports.

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Mount St Benedict College – Print

Fresco Creative designed, printed and delivered the recent Learning Framework publication for Mount St Benedict College. We applied the MSB brand, which we have nurtured over the years, and produced a sophisticated, easy to read and interesting publication for the school to be proud of. The school has also entrusted Fresco Creative with managing their school magazine.

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Loreto Normanhurst – Magazine

Fresco Creative and Loreto Normanhurst have had a working relationship for over ten years. In that time Fresco developed and produced their flagship magazine Loreto Life magazine. We created their masthead and have evolved it over time, in line with their progressive vision for the school. We have incorporated stories and interviews about all of their major events, including building openings, farewells, anniversaries and celebrations.

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Active Living NSW

Fresco Creative was asked by Active Living NSW (formerly the Premier’s Council for Active Living NSW) to create a Summary Brochure to outline the success of the FitNSW 2018 event. The summary document was intended to outline the program, background, what’s been achieved and summarise the keynote speakers and activities.

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Hangers for Shops

Fresco Creative were tasked to design a simple catalogue for Hangers for Shops. As their graphic designers we organised the information and made ordering easy!

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