The Value in Nonfinancial Reporting

“After several years of growing evidence of the impact of commerce on climate change, scandals tied to poor corporate governance and a new appreciation for the social impact of business, institutional investors are increasingly likely to use nonfinancial performance information as an essential component in investment decision-making.” – The Global […]

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5 Social Media Musts

Social Media Marketing is one of those areas that has shaken up and redefined the way businesses communicate, connect with the community and raise their profile in the market place. The fast pace in which this new marketing channel has taken over when it comes to profile exposure has left […]

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Shifting design from tactical to strategic

Great article which I just had to share… A fundamental idea of business is that companies have goals and customers have needs. The fulfilment of these goals and needs happens in a commercial transaction that involves tangible interactions between company and customer. These interactions are made tangible in communications, services, products […]

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Top Tips for Branding and Packaging Your Product

The power a brand and its packaging has over influencing customers in buying or not buying a product are indisputable. Who hasn’t seen innovative products in the market place that have not succeeded due to poor quality branding and packaging design? Or conversely who has bought a product because it’s […]

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