Using Social Media to Build Authenticity in Your Brand

Social media is a powerful tool that can make or break a brand. Instagram stories, YouTube videos and Facebook have taken brand connection to the next level, allowing consumers to feel a part of the pages they follow, if they like you, they often want to show it by supporting […]

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The psychology of colour: how your brand’s colour palette affects your messaging

Colour psychology is the study of the affect colours have on human behaviour. Subconsciously we all have certain feelings that emerge when staring at certain colours, whether that be hostility, empathy or joy. Each colour is associated with something bigger in our minds and this is something that is important […]

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The Power of Kindness in Business

I recently read Rutger Bregman’s “Humankind – A Hopeful History”. I was drawn to its title because its promise of a hopeful past was just the medicine I needed to balance out a pretty challenging present. 2020 has been a massively challenging year for us all globally but also to […]

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