Why it Pays to Invest in Your Brand

David Ogilvy famously once said “Pay people peanuts and you get monkeys.” For those of you who don’t know, Ogilvy is known somewhat as the “Father of Advertising” a wizard when it came to understanding the dynamics of using emotion to create brand loyalty. He understood the truth that customers […]

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5 Reasons to Rebrand in 2021

The break in business as usual last year saw many businesses going back to basics and looking at their own brand identity and how effectively they were communicating to their audience. In 2021 businesses have mostly bounced back and those who invested in additional digital platforms such as social media […]

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Creative Agency Vs Freelancer

Over the last 21 years we have often heard the debate on the pros and cons  between contracting a freelancer and working with a creative agency. Fresco Creative is clearly going to be on “Team Creative Agency” however there is value in using freelancers, it really depends on the project […]

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Reasons Why Print Design isn’t Dead

There has been a lot of talk in design circles in recent years about the slow demise of the print industry and how this will impact on creative agencies. With the explosion of social media and digital design is printed publications on the verge of extinction? Will drinking your morning […]

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Why Brand Consistency is Critical

Brand consistency is one of those things designers, marketing and strategists are always banging on about… any business owner who knows their stuff also understand its value and importance. Whether you are starting from scratch and designing a logo, or using your brand guidelines to create an annual report, consistency […]

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Second Screen Social Selling

Second screen social selling is on the rise and brands need to take note. “Increasing your user’s time with your Brand is today’s marketing challenge. You can’t reach them on network television, but you can float alongside as they stream through the friendly waters of Instagram, tweets, selfies, Snapchat, Facebook […]

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