Royal Rehab – Advertising

Fresco Creative were engaged by Royal Rehab to come up with an advertising campaign, rollout strategy and media buying plan to advertise a particular aspect of their wide range of offerings – Disability Accommodation & Support Services and Specialist Disability Accommodation. We came up with the headline “My place. My space. My Royal Rehab.” and […]

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Oakhill College – Advertising

Fresco Creative was approached by the prestigious Oakhill College for graphic design assistance firstly with their 194 page school Yearbook, then Style Guide and then full suite of Advertising collateral. We helped the school with copywriting and ad content and did the graphic design for their ads. The creative was […]

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Mount St Benedict College – Print

Fresco Creative designed, printed and delivered the recent Learning Framework publication for Mount St Benedict College. We applied the MSB brand, which we have nurtured over the years, and produced a sophisticated, easy to read and interesting publication for the school to be proud of. The school has also entrusted Fresco Creative with managing their school magazine.

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Mount St Benedict College – Advertising

Mount St Benedict College approached Fresco Creative to manage their graphic design, yearbooks, event collateral, advertising and media buying. Fresco brought all advertising up to date with a clean, contemporary and creative tone and has created annual campaigns for the school.

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UNSW Sydney

Fresco has assisted UNSW with a wide variety of design projects for multiple departments such as UNSW Institute of Languages publications, student yearbooks, Open Day signage, UNSW Aviation publications and special event collateral for occasions such as the retirement of the Vice-Chancellor Fred Hilmer.

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The Shuck Truck

Fresco Creative designed Sydney’s first Oyster food truck – The Shuck Truck. We developed the logo, colour palette, tagline and truck design.  The truck offered oysters shucked to order so we wanted to portray quality, simplicity and freshness. We needed to adhere to The City of Sydney’s food truck approval […]

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