Fresco Creative responded to an expression of interest in refreshing the Brigidine College St Ives brand and won the work in 2022. Since then we have worked closely with the marketing team systematically working through and updating all their collateral. We started with a crest refresh, brand guidelines and overarching creative for advertising then continued to pullup banners, eNewsletters, house crest and colours overhaul, invitation designs, powerpoint templates, with comps, A5 booklet design, certificate designs, video intro and outtro graphics, alumni logo, library portal, social media strategy and aesthetic and there’s more in progress.
The style guide we wrote from scratch and provided to the client included guidance on logo usage, typography, colour palette, the creation and use of shapes and graphic elements, photography rules and icons. It also showed and explained designs for stationery, office documents, email signatures, newsletters, multi-page publications, pullup banners, invitations (portrait and landscape), social media strategy/aesthetic and tone of voice. Each piece of collateral had guidance on tone depending on whether it was parent/public-facing, intended for prospective families, or for internal purposes.
“This is great! Both Mandy and I looked at it and thought ‘great’ when we first saw it. Love it! You are a clever cookie!” – Kate, Brigidine College St Ives