Happy Client = Happy Designer

A bit of a brag post today, it was so satisfying to come to the end of last year wrapping up a large brand overhaul and campaign for Kaplan Homes and receive a testimonial like below from managing director Andrew Kanatli “We engaged Fresco Creative earlier this year to help […]

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How to be a Creative Thinker

Anyone who has read my LinkedIn and blog posts (Im hoping someone out there is reading them!) will know that Collective Hub has been a great source of creative and business inspiration. Ever since I attended their Kick Start Smart conference earlier this year in Sydney I have been an […]

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Tips For Creating Positive Client Relationships

In the spirit of the topic of today I thought I’d open with a wonderful client testimonial I received last week from Andrew Kanatli the managing director of Kaplan Homes. “We engaged Fresco Creative earlier this year to help re-brand and refresh our look and feel and take us to […]

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A Complete Brand Overhaul – Essence Property Management

Always so rewarding to finally complete a total brand refresh for a progressive, fast growing company like Essence Property Management. Essence had an established logo but wanted to create a unique corporate identity to improve their brand recognition and to better communicate their company values. Fresco developed a series of […]

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A Creative Agency’s Guide to Managing Client Relationships

Over the years whilst managing my creative agency  I’ve watched the development of strong long lasting client relationships form. Not surprisingly all these relationships have been built on a solid foundation of trust. Building trust with clients to create a strong working relationship is a no-brainer, but how do you […]

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The Importance Of Naming Your Business Strategically

Often when I talk about branding essentials with my clients their immediate thinking is that we will only be discussing their logo design, but branding is made up of so much more. A well considered brand strategically considers all the tangible expressions of its identity, naming being one of the […]

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Why Micromanaging Your Staff Doesn’t Work

I’ve been driving my design studio for over 18 years now, during this time one of my greatest challenges and learning curves is managing, inspiring and leading my staff. Making the leap from doing it all to hiring staff and delegating projects came with its own unique set of teething […]

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Hospitality: The Greenhouse of Orange – Branding

Project overview Fresco was tasked to create the Greenhouse of Orange brand from scratch. We started with designing a logo and brand strategy for the new dining precinct to communicate their unique offering – sourcing premium produce direct from local farmers and growers, to showcase the Central West district, through […]

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