Social media marketing is a term that refers to the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a service or product!
Social media marketing makes use of social networks for the purposes of connecting with a targeted audience and tailoring specific content that will drive engagement with your brand.

Industry commentators put social media marketing audiences at approximately 3.5 billion users! That’s a lot of potential customers!
In today’s culture a business needs to participate in social media marketing to build meaningful relationships with their customers. For some business owners this can be daunting so here are some tips to help wrap your head around social media marketing!

You’ve probably heard of the ‘5 C’s’ for grading diamonds of cut, colour, clarity, carat, and certification, right? Well, did you know that many marketing companies talk about the ‘7 C’s’ with regards to social media marketing?
We’ve compiled a list of the ‘7 C’s’ that according to many companies, including LinkedIn, will help ensure effective social media marketing for your business!
1. Clarity of brand
Firstly, it is important to consider what things make your brand unique. How do you stand out from the crowd? What are the values that your brand embodies? What values do you want to communicate to customers through your brand?
2. Channel identification
Where are your customers? For example, are they reachable via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter?
3. Customer needs
Understanding who your customers are and what it is that drives them to need your products or services is crucial. What is the profile of your ideal customer? How will you grab their attention through social media channels?
4. Content
Spend time creating content that is emotionally and intellectually engaging every time! Content needs to resonate with your customers and make them feel that their life is being enhanced in some way.
5. Creativeness
Make sure you provide useful tips from a range of other sources to show that you are going that extra mile to impart helpful information that your customers will be interested in.
6. Congruent communication
This is a concept whereby all content across different channels needs to stick to your brand’s values. When creating messaging you need to keep what your brand stands for at the front of mind!
7. Consistent messaging
Posted content needs to be centralised around relevant areas that your brand is involved with. One thing you need to steer clear of is posting on topics that don’t really have anything to do with your company products or services. Keep the messaging clear and unconfusing.
If you provide a product or service and are thinking about how you can benefit from social media marketing get in touch with us.