The Police Association of New South Wales (PANSW) represents the professional and industrial interests of approximately 16,500 members, covering all ranks of sworn police officers in NSW. PANSW protects and ensures member wages, working conditions, and the occupational health and safety of police officers in New South Wales. The Police Association of NSW came to Fresco Creative to assist with developing their brand. As an organisation that has been operating since 1920, the ongoing evolution of their emblems and logo has remained a priority over the years. We have recently made some tweaks to the crest and acronym lockup an re-styled the masthead for their flagship magazine “Police News”. We are currently working on developing a comprehensive style guide, outlining all aspects of their brand and examples of usage to improve consistency across all collateral.
“The visual is an excellent explanation. Having the Crest tidied up is a very useful advance…” – Stephen, PANSW