The finest pizza and bakery equipment made in Italy, Marana Forni Australia has been proudly representing Italian craftmanship, excellence and innovation in Australia and throughout the Asia Pacific since opening in Australia in 2017. Marana approached Fresco Creative to write all of the content for the Australian website and have since done press advertising for them. You may not know but Fresco isn’t just a graphic design agency, we are a complete creative agency including content creation, media buying, advertising, and editing and proof reading services.

As part of our research we were lucky enough to be invited to Marana’s first Gnocchi and Pizza Night hosted by the very passionate and professional staff of Marana Australia. We were warmly welcomed and offered a prosecco before the demonstration began. Chef Luca talked us through the pizza making process step by step and then it was our turn! We had a great time stretching the dough and getting our creative on with the selection of delicious toppings, before popping them into the pizza ovens. A mere couple of minutes later a heavenly aroma filled the space and we were looking at numerous delicious pizzas ready to eat! And eat we did!

This was followed by a demonstration on gnocchi making that was also cooked in the pizza oven! We had a great night, lots of fantastic conversation and insight into the philosophy and passion of Marana and the staff, which in turn made writing the content for their website super easy as we’d experienced the product first hand in a wonderful communal atmosphere. Do yourself a favour and visit and experience for yourself your own heavenly piece of La Dolce Vita!