Style Guides

If your brand is looking a bit inconsistent it could be your Visual Identity. Maybe it’s a bit old and out-of-date, perhaps it’s awesome but no one knows where it’s kept, or maybe you don’t have one at all! It’s really important to get everyone on the same page and understanding the basics of the brand. We’re talking about fonts, colours, how small the logo can go, what kind of images to use, any wording to avoid and – primarily – how to use your brand assets in a consistent way across all your collateral.

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Logo Design

Whether your company is in need of it’s first logo or if you have an established logo that could use a refresh, Fresco Creative can create a design solution to suit your exact needs. Your company’s logo is the first impression of your business and is the fastest way to demonstrate a hint of what you do and how you do it. Over time it becomes recognisable, resulting in better brand recall.

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Branding Design

A brand that is well designed and engaging can change the way people perceive your company, drive new business and increase brand awareness. A company that doesn’t invest on their branding very usually struggles to connect with their customers. Fresco Creative has extensive experience with branding design with highly skilled branding designers.

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