Loreto Normanhurst – Magazine

Fresco Creative and Loreto Normanhurst have had a working relationship for over ten years. In that time Fresco developed and produced their flagship magazine Loreto Life magazine. We created their masthead and have evolved it over time, in line with their progressive vision for the school. We have incorporated stories and interviews about all of their major events, including building openings, farewells, anniversaries and celebrations.

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Presbyterian Aged Care

Fresco Creative was approached by Presbyterian Aged Care with a view to overhaul their old logo and to develop a completely new brand strategy. We created a new logo and visual identity then allied it to a range of design collateral to create a new voice for their brand to better reflect their values and target audience.

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The Copyright Agency

The Copyright Agency approached Fresco to design an A3 poster insert for the centrefold of their magazine, outlining the cycle of copyright. Infographics were used to express the complex cycle of copyright and statutory licences, in a simple and friendly way.

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