Since the implementation of new regulations for low dose cannabidiol (CBD) in Australia, whereby it can now be sold as a Prescription Medication, this new area of the pharmaceutical industry has flourished. Medicinal cannabis is cannabis prescribed to relieve the symptoms of a medical condition, such as epilepsy. It is quality-controlled product with labelled levels of cannabinoids such as THC and CBD. Recently legislation has been passed in Australia to facilitate access to medicinal cannabis for certain medical conditions. On the back of this, Satipharm (MMJ PhytoTech), a prestigious Swiss pharmaceutical company approached Fresco wanting a new box design for their CBD capsules. The focus of the brief was to steer the design as far as possible away from preconcieved ideas about cannabis as a recreational drug and instead represent CBD as a quality-controlled, pharma-grade product. Using the chemical compound and avoiding the leaf shape were two of the ways in which we achieved this goal. We adhered to strict medicinal packaging standards and applied the design to a knife design, supplied by the client.